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In the shoes of… Emmanuel, Hardware and Software Engineer

When Emmanuel arrives at the office in the morning, he usually has his head full of new ideas and in any case a strong desire to give life to innovations and to progress in its learning and expertise. As a hardware and software electronics engineer, Emmanuel is currently working on the evaluation of new sensors and tests of intelligent functions of electronic cards.


His business approach is articulated around 3 main axes: team, innovation and pragmatism. Without having to enter the details about some very specific tasks supported by the other members of the project team, Emmanuel has a pivotal role since he synthesizes knowledge allowing him to exercise a broader and global approach on a device. This concentric role is made possible by the teamwork prevailing in the structure, and he especially appreciates these talking moments, which take place in a spirit of caring and cohesion. He is happy to point out that no one takes all the credit, but everyone is moving forward with a common goal for BIOCORP.


His main driver is innovation and he he appreciates the process of constantly having to find a solution that best meets the client needs. Fortunately, Emmanuel exudes curiosity and a taste for challenge. It is consistent that he endorsed this sentence of Napoleon: “impossible is not a French word”! Sprinkle above all this a good dose of pragmatism because, he confesses, Emmanuel likes simple things and doesn’t see the usefulness of complicating the process. He therefore addresses each new concept by wondering first what is the simplest way to provide an optimal solution.


Since he practices tennis, he would like to share a diner with Gael Monfils if the opportunity was given to him. He says he likes his style of play, admire his casual but respectful attitude coupled with combativeness on the court, emphasizing that the tennis player can throw himself on a ball that both spectators and his opponent think lost and put it back into play. You said “impossible is not a word?“